As of 1/1/2025, Humana is no longer offering their commercial plan. The press release for this update can be found below. In an effort to prevent denials due this update, the Waystar team has updated all authorization rules for Humana Commercial patients with a DOS after 1/1/2025 to “Required”, and in the future these transactions will return with an auth status response of “Provider to Obtain”. This update does not impact the Humana Medicare Advantage or Humana Medicaid plans.
Your Waystar team will be evaluating whether your environment requires updated configuration and will reach out with further details should there be any necessary updates. We are not expecting a large volume of transactions looking to leverage the Humana Commercial rules since this plan no longer exists; however, if a transaction is sent to Waystar you will receive a required auth rule response and provider to obtain auth status response.
If you have any further questions regarding this update and how it impacts you or your staff, please reach out to your Waystar team via email or by opening a ticket.